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Jang I, Lee B, Kim J, Chun C (2024) Development of colored-woven films and demonstration of ginseng seedling production in a greenhouse. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 1-11
Lee H, Cui M, Lee B, Hwang H, Chun C (2023) Optimization of the pot volume and substrate for strawberry cultivation in a hydroponic system. Hortic Sci Technol 41:634-644
Shin J, Lee B, Cui M, Lee H, Myung J, Na H, Chun C (2023) Effects of supplemental root-zone pipe heating systems on the growth and development of strawberry plants in a greenhouse during the winter season. N Z J Crop Hort Sci 1-15
Myung J, Pham MD, Hwang H, Lee B, Lee H, Cui M, Chun C (2023) UV-B supplementation to mitigate intumescence injury of tomato seedlings. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 64:917-926
Lee H, Park SW, Cui M, Lee B, Pham MD, Hwang H, Chun C (2023) Improvement of strawberry transplant production efficiency by supplementary blue light in a plant factory using white LEDs. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 64:233-244
Cui M. Pham MD, Lee H, Lee B, Myung J. Hwang H, Chun C (2023) Ultrastructural changes in developmental stages of anther and pollen grains as affected by short-term exposure to low temperatures in strawberry. Environ Exp Bot 205:105-135
Lee B, Pham MD, Shin J. Cui M. Lee H, Myung J. Na H. Chun C (2022) Photosynthetic changes and growth of paprika transplants as affected by root-zone cooling methods under high air temperature conditions after transplanting. Hortic Sci Technol 40:672-688
Cui M. Pham MD, Hwang H, Chun C (2022) Ultrastructural characteristics of anther and pistil during floral development in ‘Maehyang’ strawberry. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 64:51-63
Lee B, Pham MD, Cui M. Lee H, Hwang H, Jang I. Chun C (2022) Growth and physiological responses of Panax ginseng seedlings as affected by light intensity and photoperiod. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 63:835-846
Hwang H, Chun C (2022) Application of white light emitting diodes to produce uniform scions and rootstocks for grafted fruit vegetable transplants. J Bio-Env Con 31:14-21
Lee B, Pham MD, Hwang H, Jang I, Chun C (2021) Growth and morphology of ginseng seedlings cultivated in an ebb-and-flow subirrigation system as affected by cell dimension.
Hortic Sci Technol 30:224-231
Jang I, Do G, Hwang H, Suh S, Yu J, Jang I, Moon J, Chun C (2021) Morphological development and photosynthetic acclimation of Panax ginseng seedlings to irradiation by light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
Hortic Environ Biotechnol 62:571-579
Cui M, Pham MD, Hwang H, Chun C (2021) Flower development and fruit malformation in strawberries after short-term exposure to high or low temperature.
Sci Hortic 288:110308
Park SW, Kwack Y, Chun C (2021) Production rate of runner plants in a plant factory with artificial lighting as affected by crown diameter of strawberry propagules.
Hortic Sci Technol 39:62-70
Hwang H, An S, Lee B, Chun C (2020) Improvement of growth and morphology of vegetable seedlings with supplemental far-red enriched LED lights in a plant factory. Horticulturae 6:109
Hwang H, An S, Pham MD, Cui M, Chun C (2020) The combined conditions of photoperiod, light intensity, and air temperature control the growth and development of tomato and red pepper seedlings in a closed transplant production system. Sustainability 12:9939
Lee H, Park SW, Pham MD, Hwang H, Chun C (2020) Effect of the light spectrum of white LEDs on the productivity of strawberry transplants in a plant factory with artificial lighting. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 61:971-979
Park SW, Kim SK, Kwack Y, Chun C (2020) Simulation of the number of strawberry transplants produced by an autotrophic transplant production method in a plant factory with artificial lighting. Horticulturae 6:63
Pham MD, Chun C (2020) Growth and leaf injury in tomato plants under continuous light at different settings of constant and diurnally varied photosynthetic photon flux densities. Sci Hortic 269:109347
Jang I, Do G, Suh S, Yu J, Jang I, Moon J, Chun C (2020) Physiological responses and ginsenoside production of Panax ginseng seedlings grown under various ratios of red to blue light-emitting diodes. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 61:663-672
Lee C, Kim DS, Kwack Y, Chun C (2020) Waste nutrient solution as an alternative fertilizer in curled mallow cultivation. J Agric Sci 12:55-66
Jang IB, Moon JW, Yu J, Jang IB, Suh SJ, Chun CH (2019) Analysis of microclimate responses and high-temperature injury in ginseng as affected by shading. Korean J Medicinal Crop Sci 27:278-283
Pham MD, Hwang H, Park SW, Cui M, Lee H, Chun C (2019) Leaf chlorosis, epinasty, carbohydrate contents and growth of tomato show different responses to the red/blue wavelength ratio under continuous light. Plant Physiol Biochem 141:477-486
Kim DS, Kwack Y, Lee JH, Chun C (2019) Antimicrobial activity of various parts of tomato plants varied with different solvent extracts. Plant Pathol J 35:149-155
Park SW, Kwack Y, Chun C (2018) Growth and propagation rate of strawberry transplants produced in a plant factory with artificial lighting as affected by separation time from stock plants. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 59:199-204
Park SW, Kwack Y, Chun C (2017) Growth of runner plants grown in a plant factory as affected by light intensity and container volume. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 35:439-445
Kwack Y, Lee JH, Chun C (2016) Proper period and temperature for transportation of cucumber and tomato transplants. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 57:554-559
Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2015) Growth and quality of baby leaf vegetables hydroponically grown in plant factory as affected by composition of nutrient solution. Protected Hort Plant Fac 24:271-274
Kwack Y, Chun C (2015) Changes in quality and vigour of cucumber and paprika transplants as affected by storage temperature under dark conditions. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 33:633-637
Kwack Y, Kim KK, Hwang H, Chun C (2015) Growth and quality of sprouts of six vegetables cultivated under different light intensity and quality. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 56:437-443
Kim SK, Kim DS, Kim DY, Chun C (2015) Variation of bioactive compounds content of 14 oriental strawberry cultivars. Food Chem 184:196-202
Kwack Y, Kim KK, Hwang H, Chun C (2014) An ozone micro-bubble technique for seed sterilization in alfalfa sprouts. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 32:901-905
Kwack Y, Park SW, Chun C (2014) Growth and development of grafted cucumber transplants as affected by seedling ages of scions and rootstocks and light intensity during their cultivation in a closed production system. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 32:600-606
Kim DS, Na H, Kwack Y, Chun C (2014) Secondary metabolite profiling in various parts of tomato plants. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 32:252-260
Jang Y, Mun B, Do K, Um Y, Chun C (2014) Effects of photosynthetic photon flux and carbon dioxide concentration on the photosynthesis and growth of grafted pepper transplants during healing and acclimatization. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 55:387-396
Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2014) Root-zone cooling affects growth and development of paprika transplants grown in rockwool cubes. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 55:14-18
Jang Y, Moon JH, Lee JW, Lee SG, Kim SY, Chun C (2013) Effects of different rootstocks on fruit quality of grafted pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Kor J Hort Sci Technol 31:687-699
Kim DS, Kwack Y, Kim SK, Heo JW, Chun C (2013) Composition of secondary metabolites in various parts of ‘Seolhyang’ strawberry plants. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 31:224-230
Jang Y, Moon B, Seo T, Lee J, Oh S, Chun C (2013) Effects of light quality and intensity on the carbon dioxide exchange rate, growth, and morphogenesis of grafted pepper transplants during healing and acclimatization. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 31:14-23
Kim SK, Bae RN, Na H, Ko DK, Chun C (2013) Changes in physicochemical characteristics during fruit development in June-bearing strawberry cultivars. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 54:44-51
Kim SK, Bae R, Na H, Song JH, Kang HJ, Chun C (2012) Changes in fruit physicochemical characteristics by fruit clusters in June-bearing strawberry cultivars. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 30:378-384
Kwack Y, Song JH, Shinohara Y, Maruo T, Chun C (2012) Comparison of six spent mushroom composts as growing media for transplant production of lettuce. Compost Sci Util 20:92-96
Kim DS, Na H, Song JH, Kwack Y, Kim SK, Chun C (2012) Antimicrobial activity of thinned strawberry fruits at different maturation stages. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 30:769-775
Heo JW, Kang DH, Bang HS, Hong SG, Chun C (2012) Early growth, pigmentation, protein content, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity of red curled lettuces grown under different lighting conditions. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 30:6-12
Kim SK, Bae RN, Chun C (2011) Changes in bioactive compounds contents of 'Maehyang' and 'Seolhyang' strawberry fruits by UV light illumination. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 29:172-180
Rho H, Yu DJ, Kim SJ, Chun C, Lee HJ (2011) Estimation of carboxylation efficiency from net CO©ü assimilation rate as a function of chloroplastic CO©ü concentration in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa cv. Maehyang) leaves. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 52:547-552
Na HY, Kim DY, Chun CH (2011) Effects of cold pretreatment and medium composition on anther culture initiation in strawberry. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 29:488-493
Muna B, Jang Y, Goto E, Ishigami Y, Chun C (2011) Measurement system of whole-canopy carbon dioxide exchange rates in grafted cucumber transplants in which scions were exposed to different water regimes using a semi-open multi-chamber. Sci Hortic 130:607-614
Na H, Hwang G, Kwak JH, Yoon MK, Chun C (2011) Microspore derived embryo formation and doubled haploid plant production in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) according to nutritional and environmental conditions. Afr J Biotechnol 10:12535-12541
Nam MH, Kang YJ, Lee IH, Kim HG, Chun CH (2011) Infection of Daughter Plants by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae though Runner Propagation of Strawberry. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 29:273-277
Chun CH, Na HY (2011) Microspore-derived embryo formation in response to cold pretreatment, washing medium, and medium composition of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Kor J Hort Sci Technol 29:494-499
Kim SK, Bae RN, Hwang HS, Kim MJ, Chun CH (2010) Comparison of bioactive compounds contents in different fruit tissues of June-bearing strawberry cultivars. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 28:948-953
Kim SK, Jeong MS, Park SW, Kim MJ, Na HY, Chun CH (2010) Improvement of runner plant production by increasing photosynthetic photon flux during strawberry transplant propagation in a closed transplant production system. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 28:535-539
Seo TC, Rhee HC, Yun HK, Chun CH (2010) Effect of root zone restriction on the growth response and phytonutrients contents of leafy vegetables grown in a DFT system. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 28:415-422
Heo JW, Lee YB, Kim DE, Chang YS, Chun C (2010) Effects of supplementary led lighting on growth and biochemical parameters in Dieffenbachia amoena ‘Camella’ and Ficus elastica ‘Melany’. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 28:51-58
Na H, Chun C (2009) Transplant establishment of Pimpinella brachycarpa in photomixotrophic and photoautotrophic culture system. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 27:464-469
Kim SK, Na HY, Song JH, Kim MJ, Son JE, Bae RN, Chun C, Kang HJ (2009) Influence of water stress on fruit quality and yield of strawberry cvs. ‘Maehyang’ and ‘Seolhyang’. Acta Hort 842:177-180
Na H, Chun C (2009) Nutritional, chemical and physical factors affecting somatic embryo formation and germination in Pimpinella brachycarpa. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 27:280-286
Seo TC, Rhee HC, Rho MY, Choi KL, Yun HK, Chun CH (2009) Effect of circulation cycle of nutrient solution on the dissolved oxygen concentration, and the growth and phytonutrient contents of leafy vegetables grown in DFT systems. J Bio-Environ Control 18:112-118
Yuna HK, Seo TC, Zhang CH, Chun CH (2009) Effect of surfactant addition on Se absorption and growth of pak-choi and leaf lettuce in hydroponics. J Bio-Environ Control 18:124-131
Heo JW, Lee YB, Lee DB, Chun CH (2009) Light quality affects growth, net photosynthetic rate, and ethylene production of ageratum, African marigold, and salvia seedlings. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 27:187-193
Lee JS, Park SH, Park DY, Lee YS, Chun CH (2009) Yield and storability of spring transplanted onion cultivars in the middle area of the Korean peninsula. Protected Hort Plant Fac 18:51-59
Kim YH, Lee IB, Chun C, Hwang HS, Hong SW, Seo IH, Yoo JI, Bitog JP, Kwon KS (2009) Utilization of CO©ü influenced by windbreak in an elevated production system for strawberry. J Bio-Environ Control 18:29-39
Lee JS, Lee HE, Lee YS, Chun CH (2008) Effect of packaging methods on the quality of leaf lettuce. J Food Preserv 15:630-634
Na H, Heo JW, Kim SK, Kwack Y, Chun C (2008) Nutritional, chemical, and physical factors affecting callus induction and proliferation in Pimpinella brachycarpa. Hort Environ Biotechnol 49:336-342
Kim KD, Lee EH, Lee JW, Cho IH, Mun BH, Lee BY, Son JE, Chun C (2008) Daily changes in rates of nutrient and water uptake, xylem sap exudate, and sapflow of hydroponically grown tomatoes. Hort Environ Biotechnol 49:209-215
Lee JS, Park SH, Lee YS, Lim BS, Yim SC, Chun CH (2008) Characteristics of growth and salting of Chinese cabbage after spring culture analyzed by cultivar and cultivation method. Kor J Food Preserv 15:43-48
Kim KD, Lee EH, Lee BY, Chun CH, Son JI (2007) Development of root intercept Bag-NFT system for production of high-quality tomatoes. Acta Hort 742:99-104
Lee JS, Chung DS, Lee JU, Lim BS, Lee YS, Chun CH (2007) Effects of cultivars and storage temperatures on shelf-life of leaf lettuce. Kor J Food Preserv 14:345-350
Na H, Kim KW, Kwack Y, Kim SK, Chun C (2007) Comparative anatomy of embryogenic and non-embryogenic calli from Pimpinella brachycarpa. J Plant Biol 50:344-450
Kim JA, Yang TJ, Kim JS, Park JY, Kwon SJ, Lim MH, Jin M, Lee SC, Lee SI, et al. (2007) Isolation of circadian-associated genes in Brassica rapa by comparative genomics with Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Cell 23:145-153
Oh W, Park JH, Kim HK, Rhie YH, Chun C, Kim KS (2007) Root-zone cooling improves growth of Cyclamen persicum under heat stress. Hort Environ Biotechnol 48:68-72
Lee JS, Choi JW, Chung DS, Lim CI, Park SH, Lee YS, Lim SC, Chun CH (2007) Cold storage, packing and salting treatments affecting the quality characteristics of winter Chinese cabbages. Kor J Food Preserv 14:24-29
Kim KD, Lee EH, Lee JW, Lee BY, Son JE, Chun CH (2006) Effects of diurnal alteration of nutrient solution salinity on growth and fruit quality of tomatoes hydroponically grown in NFT system. J Bio-Environ Control 15:46-53
Lee JS, Chung DS, Choi JW, Jo MA, Lee YS, Chun CH (2006) Effect of storage temperature and packaging treatment on the quality of leaf lettuce. Kor J Food Preserv 13:8-12
Kozai T, Ohyama K, Chun C (2006) Commercialized closed systems with artificial lighting for plant production. Acta Hort 711:61-70
Rhie YH, Oh W, Park JH, Chun C, Kim KS (2006) Flowering response of 'Metis Purple' cyclamen to temperature and photoperiod according to growth stages. Hort Environ Biotechnol 47:198-202
Heo JW, Paek KY, Kang CH, Chun CH (2006) Internal air current patterns depend on the ventilation method in a scaled-up culture vessel for micropropagation. J Plant Biol 49:167-173
Lee JS, Chung DS, Choi JW, Jo MA, Lee YS, Chun CH (2006) Effects of storage temperature and packaging treatment on the quality of leaf lettuce. Kor J Food Preserv 13:8-12
Kim SK, Seo PJ, Chun CH (2005) Development of a transplant production module using artificial lighting for high quality vegetable transplant production. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 23:388-395
Kwack Y, Chun C (2005) Classification of environment-friendly agriculture and definition of related terminology. J Environ-Friendly Agric Res 7:169-180
Lee JS, Choi JW, Chung DS, Lim CI, Seo TC, Do GL, Chun CH (2005) Effects of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivars and cultivation methods on growth, quality, and shelf-life. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 23:12-18
Koyano Y, Chun C, Kozai T (2005) Controlling the lengths of hypocotyl and individual internodes of tomato seedlings by changing DIF with time. J SHITA 17:68-74
Yeoung YR, Jung MK, Lee MR, Hong SJ, Chun CH (2004) Growth and yield response between direct seeding and transplanting in summer cultivation of spinach in alpine area. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 22:278-282
Yeoung YR, Jung MH, Kim BS, Hong SJ, Chun CH, Park SW (2004) Effect of plug cell size on seedling growth of summer spinach. Kor J Hort Sci Technol 22:422-425
Kozai T, Chun C, Ohyama K (2003) Closed systems with lamps for commercial production of transplants using minimal resources. J Soc High Technol Agr 15:1-10
Fuziwara M, Kadota T, Chun C, Kozai T (2003) Number of sweetpotato propagules produced and electric energy consumption in a closed transplant production system as affected by cell volume of a tray. Environ Control Biol 41:271-276
Yokoi S, Kozai T, Ohyama K, Hasegawa T, Chun C, Kubota C (2003) Effects of leaf area index of tomato seedling populations on energy utilization efficiencies in a closed transplant production system. J Soc High Technol Agr 15:231-238

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Lee H, Pham MD, Cui M, Lee B, Hwang H, Myung J, Chun C (2020) Effects of light intensity on the productivity of strawberry transplants propagated in a plant factory with artificial lighting. Hort Sci Technol 38(Suppl ¥±):102
Hwang H, An S, Myung J, Chun C (2020) Comparison of early growth and yield of grafted tomato plants grown in a closed transplant production system and a conventional nursery. Hort Sci Technol 38(Suppl ¥±):101-102
Cui M, Pham MD, Lee H, Hwang H, Lee B, Chun C (2020) Changes in ultrastructures of male reproductive organs in ‘Maehyang’ strawberry as affected by short-term exposure to low air temperature. Hort Sci Technol 38(Suppl ¥±):101
Lee B, Pham MD, Hwang H, Cui M, Lee H, Chun C (2020) Growth promotion of ginseng seedlings cultivated in a plant factory with artificial lighting by applying additional far-red light to mint-white LEDs lighting. Hort Sci Technol 38(Suppl ¥±):65
Jang I, Moon J, Yu J, Jang I, Suh S, Hwang H, Chun C (2019) Photosynthetic characteristics and ginsenosides content of panax ginseng seedlings grown under various ratios of red to blue light-emitting diodes. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):183
Jang I, Moon J, Yu J, Jang I, Suh S, Hwang H, Chun C (2019) Analysis of high-temperature injury in Panax ginseng as affected by shading. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):182
Lee B, Hwang H, Pham MD, Cui M, Jang I, Chun C (2019) Growth of ginseng seedlings cultivated in a plant factory with artificial light as affected by volume of cultivation vessel using sub-irrigation system. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):101
Lee B, Hwang H, Pham MD, Cui M, Jang I, Chun C (2019) Growth of ginseng seedlings as affected by photoperiod and light intensity in a plant factory with artificial light. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):100-101
Hwang H, Mo H, Chun C (2019) Growth response of seedlings of major fruit vegetables as affected by supplemental irradiation of far-red for producing uniform seedlings suitable for use in grafting robots. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):99-100
Cui M, Pham MD, Hwang H, Lee B, Chun C (2019) Effects of air temperature and duration of acclimation after cold storage of strawberry transplants propagated in a plant factory with artificial light. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):99
Hwang H, Kim JA, Chun C (2019) Expression of chlorophyll cycle-related genes of Chinese cabbage seedlings grown under different light qualities. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):40
Pham MD, Chun C (2019) Effects of periodic rhythm of light signal on growth and leaf injuries of tomato plants. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥±):40
Cui M, Hwang H, Pham MD, Lee B, Lee H, Chun C (2019) Effects of short-term exposure to high or low temperature on flowering in ‘Maehyang’ and ‘Seolhyang’ strawberries. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥°):41
Chun C, Park SW (2019) Current situations of Korean strawberry industry and strawberry transplant propagation by using plant factory technology. Hort Sci Technol 37(Suppl ¥°):39-40
Lee B, Hwang H, Jang I, Chun C (2018) Growth of ginseng seedlings cultivated in sub-irrigation system as affected by nutrient solution strength. Hort Sci Technol 36(Suppl ¥±):202-203
Hwang H, Song H, Chun C (2018) Growth response of several vegetables as affected by light quality for the production of uniform seedlings applicable to grafting robots. Hort Sci Technol 36(Suppl ¥±):100
Cui M, Hwang H, Chun C (2018) Differences in pollen germination and growth among five Ever-bearing strawberry cultivars in summer cultivation. Hort Sci Technol 36(Suppl ¥±):94
Lee H, Park SW, Jang MS, Chun C (2018) Duration of low-temperature and short-day treatment required for flower bud induction of strawberry transplants propagated using autotrophic transplant production method. Hort Sci Technol 36(Suppl ¥±):92-93
Lee H, Park SW, Hwang H, Chun C (2018) Propagation rate of strawberry transplants as affected by additional radiation of blue light. Hort Sci Technol 36(Suppl ¥±):41
Pham MD, Hwang H, Cui M, Lee H, Lee B, Chun C (2018) growth and leaf chlorosis of tomato plant under continuous light with different light qualities. Hort Sci Technol 36(Suppl ¥°):70
Pham MD, Chun C (2017) Growth and leaf chlorotic level of tomato plants grown under continuous light with different photosynthetic photon flux densities. Hort Sci Technol 35(Suppl ¥±):80
Cui M, Kwack Y, Park SW, Chun C (2017) Genetic and environmental factors in relation to fruit malformation of ‘Maehyang’ strawberry. Hort Sci Technol 35(Suppl ¥±):76
Lee H, Park SW, Chun C (2017) Light quality of LEDs affects runner plant production rate in a plant factory with artificial lighting. Hort Sci Technol 35(Suppl ¥±):75
Hwang H, Chun C (2017) Growth inhibitory effects of methanolic extract of strawberry leaves on vegetable seedlings. Hort Sci Technol 35(Suppl ¥±):75
Hwang H, Chun C (2017) Feasibility of ethanolic extracts of strawberry leaves as a plant growth regulator for environmental-friendly production of vegetable plug transplants. Hort Sci Technol 35(Suppl ¥±):44
Jang IH, Choe YC, Kwack Y, Chun C, Kim TW (2016) Environmental management status of domestic field greenhouses through analyzing the aggregated environmental and actuator data from smartfarm greenhouses. Hort Sci Technol 34(Suppl ¥±):222-223
Kwack Y, Park SW, Kim DS, Chun C (2016) Development of production and storage technology for vegetable transplants. Hort Sci Technol 34(Suppl ¥°):39
Chun C, Park DW (2016) The Real Farm, a farm game for smartphone and smart farm business expansion model. Hort Sci Technol 34(Suppl ¥°):34
Jung WH, Jang IH, Kwack Y, Chun C, Choe YC (2015) The utilization of environmental and growth data in greenhouse based on ICT convergence hybrid environmental control. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥±):244-245
Kim DS, Kwack Y, Chun C (2015) Evaluation of antifungal activity of tomato and strawberry extracts against their pathogenic microorganisms. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥±):148
Lee S, Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2015) Microbial reduction and seed germination of baby leaf vegetables as affected by nonionic surfactants and sodium bicarbonate. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥±):86
Cui M, Kwack Y, Chun C (2015) Pollen viability and germination of ‘Maehyang’ and ‘Seolhyang’ strawberries. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥±):84
Lee HJ, Lee SG, Choi CS, Kim SK, Park ST, Lee SJ, Chun C (2015) Effect of total leaf numbers on the growth and fruit quality in muskmelon plants showing leaf yellowing symptoms. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥±):69
Lee HJ, Lee SG, Kim SK, Choi CS, Park ST, Lee SJ, Chun C (2015) Effect of fruit numbers on the growth and fruit quality in muskmelon plants showing leaf yellowing symptoms. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥±):68
Lee S, Kwack Y, Park SW, Chun C (2015) Seed germination of five spinach cultivars as affected by temperature and soaking-drying pre-treatment. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥°):71
Kwack Y, Lee JH, Chun C (2015) Physiological changes of cucumber grafted transplants as affected by low-temperature stress conditions during dark storage. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥°):69-70
Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2015) Growth and quality of baby leaf vegetables hydroponically grown in a plant factory with artificial lighting as affected by composition of nutrient solution. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥°):69
Kim DS, Kwack Y, Chun C (2015) Antifungal activity of plant extracts from various parts of strawberry and tomato plants. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥°):43
Cui M, Kwack Y, Hwang H, Chun C (2015) Morphological characteristics of flower organs at different flower developmental stages in various strawberry cultivars. Hort Sci Technol 33(Suppl ¥°):40
Lee C, Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2014) Application of waste nutrient solution as an alternative fertilizer in Curled Mallow cultivation. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥±):74
Lee JH, Kwack Y, Hwang H, Chun C (2014) Changes in storability of cucumber and tomato transplants as affected by low temperature in darkness. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥±):72
Lee HJ, Kim MK, Lee SG, Choi HS, Choi GS, Choi CS, Kwak HR, Chun C (2014) Influence of yellow leaf symptoms on the root activity and photosynthesis in melon cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus undefined. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥±):58-59
Lee J, Lee JM, Kwon SY, Park BS, Chun C (2014) Note on scientific name for Korea melon. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥±):40
Lee J, Kwack Y, Park S, Chun C (2014) Changes in quality and growth of cucumber and tomato transplants stored under various PPFs. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥°):75
Hwang H, Jeong S, Lee S, Chun C (2014) Growth and total polyphenolic compounds contents of vegetable sprouts as affected by light quality and intensity of light-emitting diodes. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥°):66
Jang J, Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2014) Microbial quality and germination rate of seeds treated with slightly acidic electrolyzed water. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥°):66
Jang Y, Mun B, Seo T, Lee J, Oh S, Chun C (2014) Effects of light quality and intensity on the carbon dioxide exchange rate, growth, and morphogenesis of grafted pepper seedlings during healing and acclimatization. Hort Sci Technol 32(Suppl ¥°):30
Lee JH, Kwack Y, Chun C (2013) Quality of tomato and cucumber transplants as affected by storage relative humidity under dark condition. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥±):66-67
Jang J, Kwack Y, Jeong S, Chun C (2013) Microbial quality and germination rate of beet seeds as affected by UV irradiation. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥±):62
Park SW, Kwack Y, Hwang H, Kim YK, Chun C (2013) Growth of cucumber grafted transplants as affected by cultivation periods of scions and rootstocks in closed transplant production systems. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥±):56
Kwack Y, Kim DS, Chun C (2013) Changes in CO©ü exchange rate and quality of cucumber and paprika transplants as affected by storage temperature under dark condition. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥±):53-54
Kim KK, Hwang H, Kim SK, Jeong S, Chun C (2013) Growth and total phenolic content of vegetable sprouts as affected by light quality of light-emitting diodes. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥°):70
Park SW, Kim SK, Kwack Y, Jang J, Chun C (2013) Growth of strawberry transplants as affected by root volume in a closed transplant production system. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥°):61-62
Kim DS, Kwack Y, Na H, Chun C (2013) A profiling of alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and volatile organic compounds in various parts of tomato plants. Hort Sci Technol 31(Suppl ¥°):61
Kim KK, Kim SK, Hwang H, Chun C (2012) Germicidal effect and growth of alfalfa sprouts as affected by duration of seed sterilization treatment with microozone-bubbled water. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥±):62-63
Koo J, Park SW, Chun C (2012) Application of extended lighting cycles to promote vegetative growth of Chinese cabbage and Pak-choi. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥±):61-62
Hwang H, Kim SK, Chun C (2012) Photosynthetic activity and chloroplast ultrastructural changes in lettuces as affected by different wavelengths of LED lights. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥±):60-61
Jang YA, Yang EY, Kim S, Choi CS, Um YC, Chun C (2012) Growth and fruit quality of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by grafting using Capsicum baccatum and C. annuum × C. baccatum as rootstocks. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥±):55-56
Kim SK, Kim DS, Chun C (2012) Variation of ascorbic acid, anthocyanin, and ellagic acid contents in 20 strawberry cultivars. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥±):39
Jeong S, Takagaki M, Chun C (2012) Fruit quality improvement by applying salt stress and root zone limitation in hydroponically grown tomatoes. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥±):36
Kim SJ, Do GR, Kwak JH, Kim KK, Chun C, Na H (2012) Efficiency of microspore-derived embryo induction by floral bud in broccoli lines. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):106
Kim DS, Na H, Chun C (2012) Phenolic and volatile compounds profile of edible and non-edible parts of strawberry plant. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):75
Park SW, Hwang H, Kim SK, Koo JH, Kim YK, Chun C (2012) Optimum photosynthetic photon flux to produce scions and rootstocks for grafted tomato transplants in closed systems. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):75
Jang YA, Mun B, Oh S, Lee SG, Chun C (2012) Growth and transplant quality of grafted pepper and tomato seedlings affected by light quality during low temperature storage. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):73
Jang Y, Mun B, Lee J, Um Y, Chun C (2012) Growth of grafted pepper seedlings in which rootstocks and scions were exposed to different nutrient and water regimes. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):73
Kim KK, Kim SK, Hwang H, Chun C (2012) Use of micro-bubble technique for seed sterilization in alfalfa sprout production. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):48
Chun C, Kim SK, Park SW, Hwang H, Koo JH, Kwack Y, Na H (2012) Environmental control techniques for production of quality vegetable transplants. Hort Sci Technol 30(Suppl ¥°):40
Koo JH, Chun C, Park SW (2011) Growth promotion by applying extended lighting cycles for tomato transplant production. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):70
Koo JH, Chun C (2011) Growth promotion by applying extended lighting cycles for tomato transplant production. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):70
Kim DS, Na H, Chun C (2011) Profiling of phenolic and volatile compounds in non-edible parts of strawberry. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):70
Kim DS, Kim SK, Chun C (2011) Growth and development of paprika seedlings in a closed transplant production system as affected by rockwool cube size. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):69-70
Park SW, Kim SK, Chun C (2011) Manipulation of photosynthetic photon flux to improve production efficiency of strawberry transplants in a closed transplant production system using autotrophic transplant production method. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):68
Jang Y, Mun B, Do K, Um Y, Chun C (2011) Growth promotion and quality improvement grafted pepper seedlings by healing and acclimatization under artificial light in a closed-type transplant production system. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):62
Jang Y, Mun B, Seo T, Lee J, Oh S, Chun C (2011) Photosynthesis and growth of grafted pepper seedlings affected by light quality during healing and acclimatization. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):61-62
Na H, Park H, Kwak JH, Yoon MK, Chun C (2011) Development of a novel protocol to microspore-derived embryo production in radish. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥±):43
Chae YS, Kim SK, Chun C (2011) Enhancement of antioxidants to improve quality of strawberry jams. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):96
Hwang H, Chun C (2011) Morphological changes of Chinese cabbage and red pepper transplants as affected by light quality of LED. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):77
Koo JH, Park SW, Chun C (2011) Promotion of lettuce growth by extended lighting cycle. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):77
Jeong SH, Bae HC, Park SW, Chun C (2011) Sugar contents of hydroponically grown tomatoes in summer as affected by high EC Levels at different growth stages. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):76-77
Kim SK, Kim DS, Jeong SH, Chun C (2011) Comparison of bioactive compounds contents in 21 major strawberry cultivars. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):74
Jang YA, Mun B, Chun C (2011) Photosynthesis, graft-take, and growth of grafted pepper seedlings affected by light intensity (PPF) and carbon dioxide concentration during healing and acclimatization. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):67
Park SW, Kim SK, Chun C (2011) Propagation efficiency of strawberry transplants as affected by crown diameter of propagules in autotrophic transplant production method using a closed transplant production system. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):43
Kim SK, Chun C (2011) Comparison of physicochemical characteristics of June-bearing strawberries and enhancement of bioactive compounds contents by environmental stresses. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):42
Kim SK, Jeong MS, Park SW, Kim MJ, Na HY, Chun C (2011) Improvement of runner plant production by increasing photosynthetic photon flux during strawberry transplant propagation in a closed transplant production system. Hort Sci Technol 29(Suppl ¥°):34
Kim DS, Kim SK, Chun C (2010) Root-zone cooling promotes root growth of paprika transplants under high air temperature. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥±):54
Jang YA, Mun B, Chun C (2010) Photosynthesis, graft-take, and growth of grafted tomatoes affected by light intensity (PPF) and relative humidity. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥±):32-33
Hwang H, Chun C (2010) Growth of Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and Pak-choi transplants as affected by light quality of light emitting diodes. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥±):32
Park SW, Koo JH, Chun C (2010) Increase of survival percentage and growth rate of micropropagated strawberry transplants during acclimatization by PPF control in a closed transplant production system. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥°):62
Bae HC, Kim DS, Hwang H, Kim SK, Chun C (2010) Controlling EC of nutrient solution during transplant production to promote flowering in hydroponically grown tomatoes. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥°):59
Kim SK, Hwang H, Bae RN, Chun C (2010) Comparison of Physicochemical Characteristics of June-bearing Strawberry Fruits in Different Developmental Stages. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥°):55
Kim MJ, Park SW, Lee SY, Hwang H, Chun C (2010) Growth of lettuce and Chinese cabbage transplants as affected by light quality. Hort Sci Technol 28(Suppl ¥°):53-54