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HOME  > Introduction > Professor > ´ã´ç±³°ú¸ñ



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This class teaches students what kinds of physiological principles are underlying in tree grwoth. Following topics are covered: a relationship between tree structure and function, morphological, cytological, and biological interpretation of photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, water relations, flowering, and stress physiology.


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This class teaches the maintenance techniques of urban forests and shade trees. Biological approaches to maintaining health of street trees, park trees, and other shade trees will include following topics, such as structure and growth of trees, selection of shade trees, pruning, crown adjustment, transplanting, soil management, physiological damage, disease and insect pest management, wound treatment, tree surgery, pesticide, equipment maintenance. After completion of this class, students will be prepared to apply for a qualification certificate for arboriculturist and possibly practice a tree clinic.



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This course provides the basic knowledge on what is a forest and how forests should be treated for the human society. The course will give the students to take real opportunities to observe some problems associated with use and misuses of forests. The students will be able to understand the nature and value of forests through their readings and hands-on experiences with forests. The lectures such as forest ecosystems, biodiversity, forest history and cultural aspects of human development of forest resources will be introduced with some real examples in Korea and other countries such as Indonesia. The students will be able to establish their own stands toward social problems associated with forest resources. His course will bring the issue of health in relation to ecological environments of modern society.


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This course uses basic chemistry, physics and mathematics to explain and develop concepts for an understanding of various areas of tree physiology. This course covers the physical environment in which trees and other living organisms live. In addition this course considers the physics of heat and mass transport between trees and their surroundings. Also this course discusses physiological processes such as transpiration and photosynthesis from physical and chemical point of views.


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Forest biogeochemistry is the study of physical, chemical and biological processes which govern a dynamic forest system. This course emphasizes on the exchange of energy and elements between the biosphere and geosphere by covering principal biogeochemical cycles such as hydrological, carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen cycles. Both the micro-scale mechanisms of these cycles and the global implications of the processes will be discussed.


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The course focuses on understanding of the interactions between natural ecosystems and various processes in meteorology, agronomy, and forestry. Lectures on basic science and applied research deal with practical issues in vegetation, soil science, ecology, and biogeochemistry associated with changes in weather and environment. Major topics include the exchange of energy, matter and information between agroforest ecosystems and the atmosphere, micro-meteorological measurements (radiation, canopy turbulence, evapotranspiration, flux and concentration), biometeorology (crop production, light & water use efficiency, phenology, and disturbance), aerobiology (pollen, spore, dispersion of insects and pesticides), forest fire meteorology, interactions between vegetation and changes in weather and environment.