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(2017) Evaluation of wind pressure acting on multi-span greenhouses using CFD technique, Part 1: Development of the CFD model

(2017) Evaluation of wind pressure acting on multi-span greenhouses using CFD technique, Part 1: Development of the CFD model

Author: Rack-woo Kim, In-Bok Lee, Kyeong-seok Kwon


The CFD-computed and wind tunnel (WT)-measured wind pressure coefficients (Cp) were compared for development of CFD model. First, the yþ values were considered to identify the optimum conditions of the first cell height from the adjacent wall. The CFD-computed Cp values closely corresponded to the measured Cp values when the first cell height was 1.5 [1] 10

4 m. The computational domain test and the grid independence test were also conducted to determine the optimum domain size and mesh size. As a result of the computational domain test, the length of the upstream portion was fixed at 3H (H ¼ ridge height), and the length of the downstream, side and upper portions were determined to be 15H, 5H and 5H, respectively. The mesh size was designed to be 1.0 [1] 10
2 m based on the grid independence test. Using the given design criteria, an appropriate turbulence model was selected, and the Shear stress transport (SST) keu model was eventually chosen as the turbulence model. Finally, the computed and measured Cp values were compared using statistical indices, demonstrating that the CFD-designed model could accurately compute the Cp values.

Keywords : Computational fluid dynamics, Greenhouse, Model evaluation, Wind pressure, coefficient, Wind tunnel test
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(2017) Evaluation of wind pressure acting on multi-span greenhouses using CFD technique, Part 2: Application of the CFD model
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(2017)Evaluation of wind pressure acting on multi-span greenhouses using CFD technique, Part 2: Application of the CFD model Journal:BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING. Author:Rack-woo Kim, Se-woon Hong, In-Bok Lee, Kyeong-seok Kwon Abstract Revision of greenhouse design standards is r..